Later this month, a workforce development initiative bringing together partners across the Charlotte Region will take center stage. Build Better Careers – Charlotte, led by the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) and funded through the Truist Foundation’s Where It Starts program, aims to widen the financial services talent pipeline. On March 31, program leaders will highlight its opportunities for impact.
Build Better Careers – Charlotte is an industry support initiative that seeks to build a deeper bench of diverse employees for the financial services sector. The initiative brings together industry leaders, workforce development partners, and postsecondary education institutions. The collaboration will lead to the development of localized strategies to meet the needs of people who seek employment or better employment, and employers who need to recruit, retain, skill-up, and advance employees, increase diversity, and strengthen equity and inclusion.
The breakfast event this month offers the opportunity to learn more about the initiative and how hiring managers, decision-makers, and other professionals will help build career pathways for hard-to-fill and mission-critical roles within organizations, increase partnerships, training and upskilling and industry standards for diversity, equity and inclusion. CAEL and its partners will help to assess industry successes and accomplishments that will serve as a foundation for tools and strategies to build a deeper bench of diverse talent across roles at all levels within the sector.
The Charlotte Regional Business Alliance is a proud industry partner for the initiative. To register for the event, click here.